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About Cloudique

Our Story

Striving to guide the corporate world towards a smooth digital transformation, our founders established Cloudique with a vision to enhance business productivity and efficiency through smart technologies.

Being one of the most challenging and critical processes for any business’s success, recruitment requires well-orchestrated, coordinated, and synchronized efforts to hire the right people for the right jobs at the right time.

Identifying the obstacles and challenges that companies face during this process, our founders realized the niche for a technological system to help managers find a solution that could solve all their recruitment issues and transform this process completely.

The creation of the Cloudique applicant tracking system and other smart technology services are aimed at simplifying the recruitment journey of the business entities and providing them with innovative methods to source and match the right applicants for the right jobs.

Taking this vision beyond the basic need of recruitment Cloudique also specializes in providing other cloud-based services to improve employee performance and business effectiveness.

Who We Are

Cloudique takes pride in bringing together a team of highly qualified and trained professionals from the world of information technology, software development, and the corporate industry.

Together they have grown the vision and focus of this smart endeavor into the most advanced and innovative applicant tracking system that can not only save valuable resources like time and money but also enhance the productivity and effectiveness of the employees.

Employing a dynamic team of individuals with extensive practical experience and diverse technology backgrounds, Cloudique has been able to achieve various milestones of success and business growth.

The diversity of expertise and skills has become the key factor for overcoming the different challenges and has helped the company to cognize with the evolving customer needs across the globe.

The Founders have a belief that the Cloudique team is the company’s greatest asset. Providing them an environment of innovative growth, independent learning and career development are essential for nurturing high productivity and exceptional motivation.

What We Do

Cloudique is a technology enterprise that provides intelligent business solutions to companies from all across the globe. The company has developed a highly sophisticated Applicant Tracking System or ATS to help clients initiate and execute their challenging recruitment process with simplicity and effectiveness.

The ATS helps business entities to hire people intelligently without compromising on their business goals and objectives.

Powered with the latest software technologies and practices, the Cloudique talent management platform can be incorporated with the HR management systems and ATS.

TIn addition to this, Cloudique also offers its clients other digital services like

  • Cloud Storage
  • Data preservation and Secured Data
  • Video Interviews
  • Recruitment Marketing
  • Human Resource Management Systems

Cloudique digital services are aimed to help businesses of all sizes and industries to create an interactive workspace for the users to enjoy the sharing of files, data, and information at full potential.

What Matters to Us

Passionate to design and develop digital solutions for transforming the business operations and functions of the corporate world of today and tomorrow, Cloudique has the vision to change the way entities recruit domestically and globally.

With a strong belief in simplicity, ease of use, and technological innovation, Cloudique strives to optimize the human resource and recruitment process with the most advanced artificial intelligence-powered platform.

Working towards automation, synchronization of efforts, and synergy of employees, the company can provide expert advice and consultation on how to improve your overall recruitment and hiring process.

The core values that have enabled and empowered Cloudique to become a fast-growing and successful talent management platform include

Team Orientation

The Company strongly follows a team-based approach in designing, developing, and executing new and innovative digital solutions for businesses worldwide.

Customer Focused

All the efforts and services of the company are led by client preferences, needs, and requirements. Creating digital solutions that are based on customer input and feedback is the key to high customer satisfaction.


Cloudique and its founders have brought together a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who have the right expertise and skills to create the technological transformation needed by most businesses of today.

Out of the Box Ideas

The company encourages and motivates employees and team members to come with ideas and concepts that may seem out of the world, but are attractive and can create wonders for the corporate world.

Ethical Behaviors

Cloudique and all its employees give top priority to social responsibility and ethical behaviors that promote honesty, integrity, humility, and human compassion.